A Not For Profit Company

Balaji Healthcare, A Geriatric Unit

“Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.”

Inspired by this very quote, Dr. Mahalaxmi Iyer has set up Balaji Healthcare, a full-fledged hospital with an ICU and a specialised care centre with age-old tradition of culture, hospitality, care and love. This 100 bed hospital is situated in a serene picturesque location at Vasind, Thane Dist., Maharashtra on the Mumbai-Nasik highway adjacent to the ever-flowing Bhatsa river with a panoramic view of the Western Ghats.

Facilities at a glance

  • 24 hours emergency and trauma care with ICU and operation theatre
  • Dental & Ophthal
  • Full fledged Pathological laboratory and Radiology unit
  • Dialysis
  • Spacious deluxe rooms, semi-private and dormitory facilities with TV an attached W.C
  • Rejuvenation and Rehabilitation Centre
  • A home away from home for people of all ages with / without ailments
  • Pure healthy vegetarian food
  • Scenic surroundings with clean fresh air
  • Ambulance Services 24 hours
  • Beautiful Balaji Temple in the premises